Monday, June 30, 2014

A horror bloody bones text effect

This time I tell you how to generate a horror text logo made of bones. To make the text even more macabre, the bones look to be dirty with blood.

To create this effect, surf to this online 3D text logo creator and set its parameters this way (I list just the items you can need to change):
- 3D text style: 6th option;
- Text: BLOODY BONES (choose yours);
- Font size: Normal;
- Margin: 4;
- Background color: FFFFFF;
- Get as a transparent PNG file: unchecked;
- Font name: Gypsy Curse.

These instructions create this very scaring 3D text effect (click the image to see it bigger):

Extra tips:
- this text logo can be created with an anti-aliased transparent background (select the "Get as a transparent PNG file" item);
- prefer background colors that help to keep the scaring mood;
- the used software has several other horror fonts. Thin font faces are not so good in this case;
- create amazing 3D text effects by using these free online 3D text logo editors.

Is there a text effect you would like to see here? You can ask for it commenting here or sending me an e-mail.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A beveled golden text logo effect

Today we create a very beautiful golden text effect with a nice 3D look and a special beveled appearance.

You can make this effect by using this online golden text effect generator with these configuration values:
- Text: golden (choose your own text);
- Font size: Big;
- Margin: 3;
- Background color: FFFFFF;
- Font name: Arbeka.

This set of parameters creates this shine golden text logo (click to see in real size):

Extra tips:
- many fonts don't give a so good bevel look with this effect, so, if you want to try other font faces, choose carefully, mainly avoiding thick fonts;
- one of the advantages of this text effect is the result is beautiful for most back colors (just remember that very dark ones turn the shadows useless and we lose part of the 3D look);
- design many amazing golden text effects with these cool golden text logo generators.

Is there a text effect you would like to see here? You can ask for it commenting here or sending me an e-mail.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

An engraved doormat carpet text effect

This post tells you how to create a convincing doormat with any text message you want. It's like if the text was engraved in a carpet.

To create this effect by yourself, open this free online text logo designer and set its elements as listed next:
- Text: Welcome!;
- Engrave style: Engraved letters;
- Engrave deepness: Average;
- Border damage: None;
- Light Position: Top-left;
- Font size: Big;
- Text margin: Big;
- Outer margin style: Rounded;
- Outer margin size: Normal;
- Background color: FFFFFF;
- Get as a transparent PNG file: unchecked;
- Font name: Ballpark;

Those are the parameters you need to create this doormat text effect (click the image for a better viewing):

Extra tips:
- this effect can be made with an anti-aliased transparent background outside the doormat (select the "Get as a transparent PNG file" item);
- if you prefer a doormat with square corners, change the "Outer margin style" option;
- don't used very small or very thin font faces, because the text can be hard to read;
- create many beautiful engraved or embossed text effects by using these online carved text logo generators.

Is there a text effect you would like to see here? You can ask for it commenting here or sending me an e-mail.

Friday, June 6, 2014

New realistic lava text effect creators online

Now there are new astonishing realistic 3D lava text effect editors online that can be used easily and for free.

By using these text effect generators, you can create beautiful fiery, burning, lava, blazing, ardent, magma, igneous, incandescent, forged, melting, ablaze texts, or any other kind of hot text effect.

To inspire you to design your own lava text effects, below I show you three examples of incandescent texts created by using the 3D Burning Lava Text Logo Designers (click a image to see in real size).